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YoCamron’s Aquatics

Assorted Wild Type Axolotl

Assorted Wild Type Axolotl

Regular price $69.99 USD
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Axolotls are fascinating aquatic creatures known for their unique appearance and regenerative abilities. Native to Mexico, they belong to the salamander family and are often referred to as "Mexican walking fish." However, axolotls are not fish but amphibians. They have become popular pets due to their captivating appearance and relatively low maintenance needs.

Axolotls have distinct features, including feathery external gills, a wide mouth, and a long, slender body. They come in various colors, such as wild-type (dark brown), albino (pinkish with gold eyes), and melanoid (all-black). These amphibians have a neotenic trait, meaning they retain their larval characteristics throughout their lives, including the gills, which they use for breathing underwater.

To provide optimal care for axolotls, it's important to create a suitable habitat that mimics their natural environment. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Tank Size: Axolotls require a spacious tank as they are active swimmers. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended for a single axolotl. Larger tanks are preferred, especially if you plan to keep multiple axolotls together.

2. Water Quality: Axolotls are sensitive to water conditions. Maintain a temperature range of 60-68°F (15-20°C) as higher temperatures can stress them. Use a reliable aquarium heater and a thermometer to monitor the temperature. Additionally, ensure the water is free of chlorine, chloramine, and heavy metals by using a water conditioner.

3. Filtration: Adequate filtration is crucial to maintain water quality. Axolotls produce waste, and a good filtration system will help remove toxins and maintain water clarity. Use a filter designed for the tank size, preferably with a low flow rate to prevent stressing the axolotl.

4. Substrate: Choose a substrate that is gentle on the axolotl's skin, such as sand or fine gravel. Avoid using rough or sharp-edged materials to prevent injury.

5. Hideouts: Axolotls are nocturnal and prefer hiding during the day. Provide them with hiding spots like PVC pipes, caves, or aquatic plants. These hiding places help reduce stress and promote natural behavior.

6. Feeding: Axolotls are carnivorous and primarily eat live or frozen foods. Offer a varied diet that includes earthworms, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small aquatic insects. Avoid feeding them insects caught from the wild as they might carry parasites or pesticides.

7. Handling: Axolotls have delicate skin, and excessive handling can damage their protective mucus layer. Limit handling to when necessary, and always make sure your hands are thoroughly clean and free of lotions or chemicals. Make sure you are wearing a protective glove or your hands are completely wet to avoid your skin absorbing their slime coating.

Regular water testing, partial water changes (around 20% every 1-2 weeks), and routine tank maintenance are essential to keep axolotls healthy. Monitor their behavior, appetite, and overall appearance to ensure they are thriving in their environment.

Remember, axolotls are long-lived creatures, with lifespans averaging 10-15 years but potentially reaching up to 20 years with proper care. By providing them a suitable habitat and meeting their specific needs, you can enjoy the company of these unique amphibians for many years to come.

*If you live in Maine, New Jersey, California, or Washington D.C. and would like to purchase an axolotl from us, you must send us proof of your permit to possess an axolotl with your name and a picture of your photo ID. If we don’t receive this within 14 days of your order, your order will be canceled and refunded with a 15% restocking fee taken out. Please do your research before buying.*

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